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terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013

Persona 4 ARENA review

This is going to be a really short review because to be really honest, i didn't really enjoy this game. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad game at all, it's fun at least, but the story mode didn't really grab me.
The thing is, even though the story wasn't left out, the character development was. Even though the story mode sometimes has some really good moments (Labrys and Elizabeth are good examples) but other than that i felt pretty indifferent for the other characters story mode, it's like they didn't really get more close after persona's 4 story, and a few times the story mode is just an excuse for the fighting between characters.
Long story short :

It's lacking the character development, sometimes the story mode feels as an excuse for the characters being fighting each other, doesn't have the proper interaction between characters nor the epic scale of the both story mode and the amazing boss battles that it had in both persona 3 and 4.
This is just my opinion though, but i am really disappointed because i truly love persona 4 (both the game and the anime, they are both amazing) but this game doesn't has what makes persona great.

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